[joomla] joomla Digest, Vol 38, Issue 21

Herb Tucker htucker at
Fri Feb 19 13:01:36 EST 2010

Thanks for your feedback Gary.
I'm going to play around with Bazaar today. I was looking it over again last
night and I've been having problems with SVN in checking out files with file
corrupted messages. I've uninstalled, reinstalled, kept my anti-virus
inactive during the process, run as administrator, etc. and still getting
odd behavior. I'm running Win7 x64 Pro, so I don't know if SVN may have an
incompatibility with my install or what. If I get some time I will set up a
VM with another OS and try it again. I'm thinking before I do that I will
try setting a repo on a server as I've also been running the repo on a
separate drive via file:///.
I've read in a few locations on the web about folks that are running a VCS
on their production web server, where the working copy files are the files
being served and the repo resides in a separate directory on the server.
Pushing/checking in files to the repo automatically initiates a pull/update
to the working copy via a hook.
Are any of you doing something like this?

Herbert M. Tucker
Covenant Technical Services, Inc.
P: 732-497-0326
C: 848-218-9172
F: 732-497-0326
E: htucker at



Message: 4
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 19:01:15 -0500
From: Gary Mort <garyamort at>
To: "NYPHP SIG: Joomla" <joomla at>
Subject: Re: [joomla] versioning Joomla
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On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Herb Tucker <htucker at>wrote:

> How much of the Joomla directory should I version? I wouldn't mind
> versioning the entire directory but in practice I know that out of those
> 5-6000 files there will only be a handful that actually would be modified
> and creating a working copy approximately doubles the size of the
> directory.

One of the things I like about Bazaar and plan on experimenting with is the
multi parent relationship.

IE, I can take the stock Joomla setup files out of SVN and save them in one

Then for a specific install, saying I want to keep it simple, I can setup a
second branch/whatever and /exclude/ all the joomla core files from that

Finally, I can take the website itself and make a THIRD repository of it's
files and tell it that it is a child of BOTH of the other repositories.

So, files that get changed on my server and checked in that overwrite the
parents will be checked in to the website repository and stored there.

Furthermore, I can periodically refresh my Joomla core repository from the
core code to pick up any changes, and then use Bazaar to merge them back
down to the website[or, for that matter, to 6 websites if I have 6 children
of that parent].

So joomla core function is stored seperately from everything else.

Now, if I want to get REALLY complicated, I could create a repository for
every component, module, and plugin that gets installed and make the website
a child of all of them.  So if I use one component on 3 sites, when I
upgrade that components repository I can then push them down to all the
websites using it.

Bazaar is also able to import from other repositories systems, so I can just
point the parent repositories to the SVN/GIT/CVS repository for the
component/core code and have it periodically refresh the code.

In the end, I think Mercurial, Bazaar, and Git make fine systems and any one
of them is great.  Bazaar is just more.....erm... fit for the way I think so
I'm going with it[despite the lack of books regarding it]
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