[joomla] Version Control Primer

Gary Mort garyamort at
Fri Feb 19 16:55:53 EST 2010

I took a brief skim through it, and it really is addressing the traditional
CVS and Subversion models.

And there is nothing wrong with those...for what they were and for what they
are.  You KNOW you will always have CVS and Subversion on any server you go
to, so you can create a repository of your code there.

But I truly feel that the distributed model just works better.  Whether you
decide to use Git, Mercurial, or Bazaar - those systems have many additional
features that just make things work.

The biggest problem I'm finding is that everything is an 80% solution, so
you have to decide WHERE you wish to put your empasis on learning..

Your repository can be configured to do all sorts of things when you
checkin, automatically update a bug tracker, run unit tests, run system
tests, run documentation processes and syntax checkers,trigger an automatic
deployment if everything works, etc.

By the same token, most bug tracking systems can ALSO be configured to
monitor the source code repository and perform these functions.

And then you may not like working from the command line, so you can use a
web server front end to the repository that may also have wiki and project
tracking functions[for example, is a web front end
for Git, Subversion and Mercurial].

It's gotten to a ridiculous point at times[for example, GitHub as a service
provides a project tracker, wiki, forums, lists, and version control...and
often people use one, maybe 2 of those functions but they sign up for the
whole service.  So you go to a github repository for code, and then click on
project tracker and it's empty because that is hosted somewhere else]....

It can get further confusing...for example, do I go with Redmine as my main
item and learn Ruby....or Mercurial and learn Python, or use something like
Indefero because it is in PHP and I can hack it more quickly.

What you go with will have some repercussions, for example Indefero looks
really cool, but then it means I can't use Bazaar it's either Git or

At the end of the day... I keep coming back to the most important thing is
to use version I am starting with the system which sings to me
and moving on from there.
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