[joomla] Questions about best practices for registered users, events and downloads

Herb Tucker htucker at
Sun Jun 6 17:17:51 EDT 2010

Hi All,
First I wanted to thank those of you who took the time to give me feedback
on my latest website - Thank You!

Next, I need some guidance about how you would solve this design problem;
what extensions you would use, etc.
I have a site that will provide webinars, seminars, a newsletter and
document downloads. I need a way to manage user registrations for events,
downloads and the newsletter that will also allow registered users to manage
their own profiles. I would prefer the solution use the Joomla users DB
rather than proprietary tables.
I've looked at RSEvents, Jevents, Events Registration Pro, phpList and
JDownloads and I'm having a hard time coming to a conclusion about which if
any of these extensions will really do all that I want them to do (well, I'm
fairly certain I'll be using phpList for the newsletter).
Any suggestions you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Herbert M. Tucker
Covenant Technical Services, Inc.
P: 732-497-0326
C: 848-218-9172
F: 732-497-0326
E: htucker at

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