[joomla] This may be bigger than I can handle alone

Ellen Rothwax ellen.rothwax at
Wed Mar 3 10:47:48 EST 2010

Hi all,
I have a Request for Proposal for a website with the following functionality
1.create opportunities for members to interact with each other via
chatrooms and webconferencing
2.provide webinars, podcasts and webcasts, both free and fee-based
3.web conferencing for members
4.creating and marketing a blog to develop wider interest in the
5.creating an "ask the specialist" tool with appropriate security for people
to use the website as a confidential resource.

This is a much larger project than I usually deal with. My questions are:
1. Which Joomla extensions do you recommend to meet these various
2.How would we deal with the "confidential" ask the specialist?
3. What server requirements (an area I am totally ignorant about) would be
4. Would anyone with experience in these functionalities want to mentor me?
I really want to do most of it myself but am concerned I might be going over
my head and would feel more confident having someone to turn to when I get
stuck. If so, what fee would you charge so I can factor it into my proposal?


Ellen Rothwax
Web Design and Development
Don’t say you can’t afford a website. . .you can’t afford not to have one.
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