[joomla] Adding html to sidebar module

Thad Jasonis tjasonis at
Thu Jun 2 16:19:52 EDT 2011

Hi everyone,

I've made some good progress learning Joomla, but have hit another snag.
I'm trying to get html to show in a small module (in this case a better
business bureau link with logo), but it's doing one of two things.  If I put
the code directly into the modules content field, it simply just displays
the code on the page.  If I create an article and point it to that module,
it just has the articles title as a link, which then goes to a page that has
the code on it.

I did some searching and only found some extensions that said they could
allow this, but when I tried to install it, it gives me the 'cannot find
joomla xml setup file' message.  So then tried to find where to ftp it to,
but all the results kept coming up with other extensions to manage ftp
uploads to a Joomla site.  Where do extensions get uploaded to, and do I
even need an extension for this?

The link is and it is the module on the right
side which says "BBB Link".

Thanks in advance,
Thad Jasonis
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