[joomla] Nice review on Joomla upgrade to 1.7 from 1.5 tool and yet another reminder

Laura Gordon rytech123 at
Wed Nov 9 17:31:14 EST 2011

Upgrade 1.5 to 1.7

Hi all, I have upgraded a few sites from 1.5 to 1.7, and I found the
migration to go pretty smoothly...

some things to think about...

1. When I did the upgrade the upgrade was really for CONTENT only, using
the (jupgrade) migration tool it took minutes to do...
2. I rebuilt the template off of a 1.7 template, but then adjusted it as I
3. I reinstalled new versions of all of the components that I was using to
the 1.7 versions.  Some of the components have versions that allow you to
'migrate', some better than others, but that is really component dependent.
4. this is a great time to 'adjust your template', organization and overall
look of your site, especially if the site is 2-3 years old, why not, if you
are going through the time to upgrade, might as well make it a little
visual, if you want.

Be patient, some things work a little differently, but you'll get used to

Also keep in mind, version 2.5 is coming out in jan/feb 2012, supposedly
the jump from 1.7 to 2.5 won't be as big, so if you start the migration
plan now, and you can, it might be something to think about.

One more thing to think about, I have told my clients that they don't
'HAVE' to upgrade to 1.7 or even 2.5 immediately, but to create a budget
plan to at least start thinking about the migration during
2012...eventually my guess is by 2012, any new extensions, etc won't work
in 1.5, which will 'force' you to upgrade plan and budget ahead
of time.

I'll be at the meeting in december so see you then!

perhaps if you are all interested I could do a demo of the migration of a
basic site from 1.5 to 1.7...

-- Laura

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Stephen Britton <sbritton at> wrote:

> Hi Gang,
> One last reminder about tomorrow night's November Joomla User Group
> meeting at 6:30 PM at Lincoln Center (for directions see
> I also noticed that Steve Burge just posted another tutorial to
> This one is about SP Upgrade, a program that helps guide you
> through the process of upgrading from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 1.7.
> I have a few Joomla 1.5 sites that will eventually need to be upgraded and
> I am not looking forward to it. But this article looks like it can be done
> without much pain. Has anyone upgraded a Joomla 1.5 site yet? And if so,
> how did go?
> Hope to see everyone tomorrow night.
> - - - Steve
> --
> Stephen Britton
> Technology Consultant
> sbritton at
> Twitter: @StephenBritton
> ph: 914-661-0040
> "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." -
> George Bernard Shaw
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