[joomla] Pre-Announcement: Crafty CMS

Gary Mort garyamort at
Fri Apr 13 14:44:23 EDT 2012

On 4/13/2012 10:07 AM, Scott Wolpow wrote:
> Gary,
> UCM is already done for CLI from eBay

Been there, done that.  It sucks.  It does not match my artistic vision.

1) Hits and Faves are tied into the content table...why on god's green 
earth should I change the last modified date for content every time a 
hit happens? Hits can be tracked separately. And because of this data 
being in the content table, I must accept the performance hit of a truly 
massive join just to update the hitcount.   I truly don't care about the 
security of the hit counter, let it make some false positive 
registers...that's better than making it so one has to either accept 
loss of page cache, or no hit counter.

2) Linking content to other extensions is ugly.
2a)You have to store an entry in the database, tied to the content id, 
for every extension which wants to be called when a content item is 
viewed/edited/saved.  Why?  Joomla has a plugin system for a REASON.  
Just dispatch the message "content item id loaded" and let plugins 
alter/add as needed.
2b)When last I looked, it only accepted components as extensions which 
can modify was hardcoded to load the class/object from a 
component.  Again, use a plugin system and let the plugin decide where 
to gets it's classes from.

3) It doesn't actually store the content in the content table.  Instead 
it stores the content, plus a bunch of json encoded data, which must now 
be decoded and stitched back together again to actually view the 
article.  It's murder on searches having to load EVERY content item, 
decode the JSON, just to check your own flag.   Generate once, store in 
body field for content...index body field for content -one place to 
search and it can be done from the database OR from PHP.

Opinionated?  Me?  I did say it was artistic didn't I?

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