[joomla] Pre-Announcement: Crafty CMS

Scott Wolpow scott at
Fri Apr 13 15:59:37 EDT 2012

What about adding Sass and Compass to work with core.
This was it makes it easier to create responsive themes/templates on the 


On 4/13/2012 3:06 PM, Scott Wolpow wrote:
> Also we have a GIT server and we will start using gitweb to make it 
> easier for users to join.
> If you want to use it, we are happy to provide it.
> SW
> On 4/13/2012 2:44 PM, Gary Mort wrote:
>> On 4/13/2012 10:07 AM, Scott Wolpow wrote:
>>> Gary,
>>> UCM is already done for CLI from eBay
>> Been there, done that.  It sucks.  It does not match my artistic vision.
>> 1) Hits and Faves are tied into the content table...why on god's 
>> green earth should I change the last modified date for content every 
>> time a hit happens? Hits can be tracked separately. And because of 
>> this data being in the content table, I must accept the performance 
>> hit of a truly massive join just to update the hitcount.   I truly 
>> don't care about the security of the hit counter, let it make some 
>> false positive registers...that's better than making it so one has to 
>> either accept loss of page cache, or no hit counter.
>> 2) Linking content to other extensions is ugly.
>> 2a)You have to store an entry in the database, tied to the content 
>> id, for every extension which wants to be called when a content item 
>> is viewed/edited/saved.  Why?  Joomla has a plugin system for a 
>> REASON.  Just dispatch the message "content item id loaded" and let 
>> plugins alter/add as needed.
>> 2b)When last I looked, it only accepted components as extensions 
>> which can modify was hardcoded to load the class/object 
>> from a component.  Again, use a plugin system and let the plugin 
>> decide where to gets it's classes from.
>> 3) It doesn't actually store the content in the content table.  
>> Instead it stores the content, plus a bunch of json encoded data, 
>> which must now be decoded and stitched back together again to 
>> actually view the article.  It's murder on searches having to load 
>> EVERY content item, decode the JSON, just to check your own flag.   
>> Generate once, store in body field for content...index body field for 
>> content -one place to search and it can be done from the database OR 
>> from PHP.
>> Opinionated?  Me?  I did say it was artistic didn't I?
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