[joomla] Problems with installation manager?

Janet Sullivan jmsullivan50 at
Sun Aug 19 10:32:53 EDT 2012

As in file permissions?  I can change those.....

Janet Sullivan
Tech Tips for Busy Executives:

 From: Scott Wolpow <scott at>
To: joomla at 
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2012 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: [joomla] Problems with installation manager?

This a a issue with your host company, call them for guidance.


On 8/19/2012 6:42 AM, Janet Sullivan wrote:

I am getting this error when trying to install akeeba 3.6.1 core using the extension manager - install
>	* JFolder::create: Could not create directory
>	* Warning: Failed to move file!
>	* 
>I would have thought that I would find the answer in the akeeba docs, but according to the akeeba
>"If you still can't install Akeeba Backup and you are receiving messages regarding unwritable directories, inability to move files or other similar file system related error messages, please do not ask us for support. These errors stem from your site set up and can best be resolved by asking for help in the official Joomla!™ forums. We can only support software we develop ourselves. Joomla!'s extension installer is certainly not developed by us, therefore we can't help you."
> I am running joomla 2.5.4 and I had originally set the site up on a web host using a temporary url.
>Akeeba  3.5.1 was installed, and running fine.   Then it was
          time to move the site into production, so using cpanel 
>database and root backups, I moved the site,  set up a new
          database user, connected it to the new database
>and changed the url to the production name.
>Site works perfectly, but akeeba would not run.  tried
          re-installing, no good.
>so I uninstalled akeeba, making sure that all the references
          in the data base to com-akeeba were removed
>as well, as stated on the akeeba trouble-shooting page.   
>After the un-install, I tried a fresh install and got the
          above error messages.....any ideas on how to fix?  The site in
          in production,
>without any automated backup .....not good.   
>Akeeba trouble shooting suggests the problem is in my site
 a joomla novice, I pretty much use the defaults,
          except for things like seo URLs...
> Help greatly appreciated.
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