[joomla] Allvideos plug-in, can't <center> the video?

Janice Gentles-Jones janice at
Mon Dec 10 18:59:42 EST 2012

HI David,

Try putting it in a div tag like the following:

<div align="center">


Janice Gentles-Jones, Owner
JGJ Consulting
*(P)* 516.333.6578  *(F)* 516.333.0023

*"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur." - Red Adair*

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 6:29 PM, David Roth <davidalanroth at> wrote:

> I'm sure this is only happening to me. Or it sure feels like this. :-)
> So in HTML through a custom HTML module in Joomla 2.5.8:
> {vimeo}123456{/vimeo}
> I want to center it, so I did this:
> {vimeo}123456{/vimeo}
> And it won't center. I did a View Source to look at what is on the
> page, and sure enough, the CENTER is there but it's not working.
> Likewise, I want to put two videos side by side doing this:
> {vimeo}123456{/vimeo}{vimeo}654321{/vimeo}
> and that doesn't work either.
> What am I missing here? Is there some overriding CSS from Allvideos
> (JoomlaWorks) that it controlling ignoring my simple and corrected
> inserted <CENTER>?
> No, I can't show you the web page, sorry, it's on an intranet. Thanks
> for any insight into this!
> David Roth
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