[joomla] SEO in Joomla - Menu Manager's Site Meta Description vs Global Configuration's Meta Description?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Tue Dec 18 19:00:53 EST 2012

In Joomla 2.5, there are two ways I see to put in SEO Meta Descriptions.

One is through the Menu Manger for the specific Menu ->Metadata
Options -> Meta Description.

The other is in the Global Configuration -> Metadata Settings -> Site
Meta Description.

OK, the big question here this Tuesday afternoon in Joomla Land, is
which of these has priority? If from the Menu Manager has all the Meta
Description filled in for each Menu item, is the Global
Configuration's Site Meta Description even need to be filled out? Does
Global only play an active role if it's filled out only and no where
else, so it mirrors the same Meta Description for every page from that
Joomla site?

I'm asking the question, because if all the other Menu Items have
their own nice Meta Descriptions I wouldn't want the Global taking
priority with respect to what gets put in the search engines.

Thanks for any insight into this puzzle for me.

David Roth

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