[joomla] JoomlaDay 2012 - Sponsorship Opportunities

Laura Gordon rytech123 at
Thu Jul 19 16:44:04 EDT 2012

Hi all,

We are working hard putting together our event for 2012.

I am here writing to all of you to request for YOUR sponsorship!  The cost
for the event for 2 days is only $160, if you could spend just $350
(total), you could be helping us move forward with the event!  A silver
sponsorship gives you a logo on the site, 1/2 page ad in our program
booklet, Invitation to our Sponsors/Speaker dinner on friday before the

Maybe you aren't a 'joomla component developer', but maybe you have seen
how Joomla! as a CMS has helped your company build amazing sites, that a
few years ago would have cost you thousands of dollars!  This is a GREAT
way to give back to our community!  All speakers and volunteers help us
FREE OF CHARGE!  We do our best to give our speakers stipends since they
are coming in from all over the world.  The only way we can afford the
stipends is with YOUR SPONSORSHIP!

So please think about it.  If you have any questions, you can email us at:
sponsor at

Here are some details, in case you forgot:

Autumn In NY!
September 22nd & 23rd in New York City
at the offices of Microsoft
1290 Avenue of the Americas, Sixth Floor, New York, NY 10104
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