[joomla] Workflow question

Scott Wolpow scott at
Sat May 19 06:44:19 EDT 2012

Your best bet is to add a custom.css file to the template.
Then add it in the index.php
This will solve your issues, but you may have to add the line again in 
the index.php

Scott Wolpow

On 5/19/2012 6:29 AM, Janet Sullivan wrote:
> I am building a joomla site using  Yootheme, based on the Warp framework.
> I can't limit my changes to only what the framework/ theme has built 
> in so use firebug to
>  to identify  the css changes necessary.
> My problem is that I don't know where I should be putting the new CSS 
> code.  I know how to change the various
> css files because firebug tells me the filename and the line number 
> for each element that I want to change. I could
> easily go into each file and make the changes.
> However, is that how I should be working?  For example, I am using a 
> free version of the TK Redemption theme.  Suppose later in the
> project I need the premium features of that theme and need to 
> upgrade?  If I have made a bunch of random changes to the css, I think
> I may have to start all over with the premium theme.  I think there 
> should be a way to isolate my CSS is a separate place to make upgrading
> easy.
> What is the proper procedure  so I don't make a mess?
> Thanks in advance.  And by the way, this forum (and the NYC Users 
> Group) is GREAT.  Thanks to everyone who has helped this novice
> jump start with Joomla!
> Janet Sullivan
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