[joomla] Workflow question

Janet Sullivan jmsullivan50 at
Sun May 20 09:06:39 EDT 2012

 I found this code in a file called 

And there already is a "custom.css" file there.  Do you think this is where I should add another
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:mycss.css');

And I should add it just before the print.css statement?

What do you think of adding my css overrides to the end of the existing custom.css and then moving that
$this["asset']   statement down to just before the print statement?  or is that likely to screw up?

Here is the code from the tk_redemption_free/layouts/template.config.php  file:

// load css
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:base.css');
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:layout.css');
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:menus.css');
$this['asset']->addString('css', implode("\n", $css));
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:modules.css');
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:tools.css');
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:system.css');
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:extensions.css');
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:custom.css');
if (($color = $this['config']->get('color1')) && $this['path']->path("css:/color1/$color.css")) { $this['asset']->addFile('css', "css:/color1/$color.css"); }
if (($color = $this['config']->get('color2')) && $this['path']->path("css:/color2/$color.css")) { $this['asset']->addFile('css', "css:/color2/$color.css"); }
if (($font = $this['config']->get('font1')) && $this['path']->path("css:/font1/$font.css")) { $this['asset']->addFile('css', "css:/font1/$font.css"); }
if (($font = $this['config']->get('font2')) && $this['path']->path("css:/font2/$font.css")) { $this['asset']->addFile('css', "css:/font2/$font.css"); }
if (($font = $this['config']->get('font3')) && $this['path']->path("css:/font3/$font.css")) { $this['asset']->addFile('css', "css:/font3/$font.css"); }
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:style.css');
if ($this['config']->get('direction') == 'rtl') $this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:rtl.css');
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:print.css');

Thanks everyone for the helpful suggestions.

Janet Sullivan

 From: Scott Wolpow <scott at>
To: joomla at 
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: [joomla] Workflow question

The one for your template


path-to-site- /template/index.php

the css is

path-to-site- /template/css

Make sure it calls your custom css last.
Look at the index.php file, you will see the other css's listed

On 5/19/2012 7:04 AM, Janet Sullivan wrote: 
Thanks Scott.  I'm not very good with php yet.
>which index.php file? I think I've seen several....
>  and where to add it so that my css is guaranteed to override
          the standard template?
>Janet Sullivan
> From: Scott Wolpow <scott at>
>To: joomla at 
>Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 6:44 AM
>Subject: Re: [joomla] Workflow question
>Your best bet is to add a custom.css file to the template.
>Then add it in the index.php
>This will solve your issues, but you may have to add the
                line again in the index.php
>Scott Wolpow
>On 5/19/2012 6:29 AM, Janet Sullivan wrote: 
>I am building a joomla site using  Yootheme, based on the Warp framework.
>> I can't limit my changes to only what the framework/ theme has built in so use firebug to 
>> to identify  the css changes necessary.
>>My problem is that I don't know where I should
                        be putting the new CSS code.  I know how to
                        change the various
>>css files because firebug tells me the filename
                        and the line number for each element that I want
                        to change. I could
>>easily go into each file and make the changes.  
>>However, is that how I should be working?  For
                        example, I am using a free version of the TK
                        Redemption theme.  Suppose later in the
>>project I need the premium features of that
                        theme and need to upgrade?  If I have made a
                        bunch of random changes to the css, I think
>>I may have to start all over with the premium
                        theme.  I think there should be a way to isolate
                        my CSS is a separate place to make upgrading
>>What is the proper procedure  so I don't make a
>>Thanks in advance.  And by the way, this forum
                      (and the NYC Users Group) is GREAT.  Thanks to
                      everyone who has helped this novice
>>jump start with Joomla!
>>Janet Sullivan
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