[joomla] Google Results & Keywords - How do I get listed?

Geoffrey Schaller gjschaller at
Tue Nov 6 11:30:00 EST 2012

I've been trying to get my site to appear in Google when searching for
certain key words, and I seem to be getting stumped - I'm showing up on
page 2, not near the top.  Posts by myself or friends about the site appear
before the site itself in the search results.

The key phrases I am looking for are "larp nj" - where the term "larp" is
the kind of activity the site is promoting (it's a kind of game / sport),
and it's based in New Jersey.  Searching on "larp nj" turns up all
our competitors, but not our own site.

I've designed the site with a SEO-friendly template, filled in site
keywords, made sure the front page has text and isn't just a splash page,
etc. - but I can't seem to get the site to come up on results for those key

What am I missing?  How do I get those words to trigger a better result
with my site?

The site itself is:

(The odd thing is... we're one of the biggest games out of all
our competitors, DESPITE this ranking thing.  It's more a matter of
technical frustration at this point than a marketing issue... ;-)  )

Geoffrey Schaller
gjschaller at
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