[joomla] Change the domain name?

Geoffrey Schaller gjschaller at
Fri Nov 16 14:57:06 EST 2012

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Mark Simko <masimko at> wrote:

> You may have to change references to the domain name throughout the site -
> articles, modules, etc. If it is a small site, you may want to do it
> manually. If it is a large site, you can use phpmyadmin, export the entire
> database as SQL text , and do a search/replace for the old domain name /
> new domain name. Then you can import the whole thing again replacing the
> original database (keep a safe backup copy of the original)

NoNumber DB Replacer is a powerful, if slightly less scary way, of doing
direct changes to your DB - just back up first!

Also, Akeeba Backup will, I think, help you reconfigure your Joomla's
settings for a new domain, hosting account, etc. when you restore a site.

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