[joomla] Adding "Prepare Content" option to a Module?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Mon Aug 26 10:45:11 EDT 2013

You might be familiar with using the "Prepare Content" option in Joomla to
allow an embedded plug-in to function in Custom HTML such as "{foobaz ...}.
But there are some third-party modules that don't have the "Prepare
Content" option. "I know!" said in a Craig Ferguson voice. :-)

So I'm thinking of adding this option to those Modules lacking "Prepare
Content" unless someone can offer other solutions or simply talk me out of
doing this. I'm thinking the code found in mod_custom.php would accomplish

*if ($params->def('prepare_content', 1))*
* JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content');*
* $module->content = JHtml::_('content.prepare', $module->content, '',

What do you think of doing this to solve this problem? From my
understanding of this, it needs to be done at the Module level so it treats
the content as if it were a Joomla Article.

Thanks in advance!

David Roth
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