[joomla] looking for Joomla consultant

Terry Kim kim.terry at
Sun Jan 13 08:33:58 EST 2013

Hello all

Looking for a Joomla consultant to do the following project, there will
likely be other work over the long-term.  I developed the site and will
coordinate as technical liaison for the business side.  I do have a VPS
account with the same hosting company hostv, so can offer that as a sandbox
environment for development and testing)

site:, Joomla, HwdVideoshare 2.2.3
problem: videos published with hwdvideoshare are using Flash player, need
to migrate to HwdMediashare which can play videos via HTML5.
suggested steps:
- Backup and deploy the production KAS site to a dev server
- Upgrade backup from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5
- Deploy updated version of JA Purity template from Joomlart  (what KAS is
currently using) and customize to match current branding
- Install HWDMediashare component
- Migrate content from HWDVideoshare to HWDMediashare
- Deploy dev instance to production server.
- Uninstall HWDVideoshare

If interested, please send an email to mail at with the
below, and I'll either drop you an email or we'll follow-up with a call.
- your contact details (name, phone, email address)
- estimate of project fees and duration, including QA and signoff from site
- brief description/urls of past experience with Joomla 2.5, HwdMediashare,
(both preferred)
- any questions you may have.

Target timeline for completion is two weeks.  Preference is for someone
based in NY/CT/NJ, but other locations also considered.

Terry Kim
Email: kim.terry at  |  Follow me on Twitter:
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