[joomla] JoomlaCamp Sunday October 27

Stewart Newfeld snewfeld at
Thu Oct 17 12:51:35 EDT 2013

Hi Everyone,


The beginning Joomla topics were described when we first announced
JoomlaCamp.  Now we've firmed up the Intermediate and Advanced presentations
and they should prove very interesting to a lot of local Joomla people.
Joomla camp is only $45 and includes a Panera Bread lunch of your choosing.


I urge you to visit our website and sign up for JoomlaCamp while we still
have space.  It's only $45 and includes a Panera Bread lunch of your


I hope to see some of you at the Monthly Joomla Users Group Meeting tonight
at Touro College.  There will be a drawing for one free admission to


Intermediate Topics - For people with Joomla experience

*	Search vs. Smart Search - Huh? (Donna Vincent)
If you google Joomla Search and Smart Search you may find that there is not
a lot of information about it other than basic implementation.  Many people
are unsure of what it is.  One blogger was telling people that it is the
autocompletion that happens as you type your search terms!   Yikes.  Let's
discuss what the differences are between the old search and the new search,
and some of the tweaks and customizations that can be done to Smart Search.
*	Joomla 3.2 is currently scheduled for release on November 6, 2013.
We will have a preview of some of its many new features. (Elin Waring)

Advanced Topics - For people with Joomla experience and know PHP or another
programming language.

*	DIY Module (Donna Vincent)
Let's build our own custom module from scratch!  It's easy and very useful.
How many times have you looked on the Joomla Extensions Directory and
couldn't find a module that was what you wanted.  Do-It-Yourself!  If you
can do a little coding, even if it's mostly copy-and-paste, you can build a
*	DIY Content Plugin (Donna Vincent)
Let's build our own custom content plugin!  That's one of those things where
you type curly braces into your Joomla article:  {something foo} and when
the article is displayed on the website, "{something foo}" is replaced with
text, or a video, a photo, a link, etc.
*	Resources for Quick Joomla! Coding (Gary Mort)
At Joomaday NY 2012, Gary Mort gave "resources for Quick Joomla! Coding to a
large packed room of Joomla enthusiasts.  He'll be doing something in a less
formal workshop style at our JoomlaCamp.  Come with your questions!



Stewart Newfeld, President

New York City Joomla Users Group (NYCJUG)
Meetings 6-8:30PM every 3rd Thursday of the Month
Check our website:



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