[joomla] page break question

Geoffrey Schaller gjschaller at
Thu Oct 31 15:22:19 EDT 2013

If you can't find the function in the template, you might be able to use it
using CSS.  Using Chrome or Firefox, right-click on the area, and Inspect
it.  If you can find the proper ID or Style, you can the reposition it
using CSS to another part of the page.


On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 3:10 PM, Ellen Rothwax <ellen.rothwax at>wrote:

> I am hoping someone can help me.I am using the latest Joomla 3 and a
> Yootheme template. I have added page breaks on one of my articles and there
> is some code that generates "1 of 4" pages under the page title and before
> the article begins. I want to move that to below the article but I can't
> figure out where the code is in the Yootheme template,or is it a Joomla
> core function. If it is, how can I change it's position?
> Ellen
> --
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> Ellen Rothwax
> Web Design and Development
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Geoffrey Schaller
gjschaller at
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