[nycphp-talk] mysql_pconnect

Oktay Altunergil nyphp at
Thu Aug 29 10:49:36 EDT 2002

Apparently there's a wait_timeout parameter that sets the amount of time the link will stay open. But in general you need not worry about these.. they will stay open for a while and get used if some other connection request is made during that period. 

It has nothing to do with a visitor issuing a query and walking away. The connection -even though it's persistent- will not stay active forever.


On Thu, 29 Aug 2002 10:23:10 -0400
Mike Myers <myersm at> wrote:

> I think I need more real-world examples of mysql_pconnect() than my PHP
> reference provides.
> In the context of a web-environment, where a user can issue a query and then
> walk away for hours or days, how does mysql_pconnect() work?
> After a connection is first established in this manner, does it ever close
> on its own if it is not explicitly told to? With multiple users accessing
> the database, what prevents an ever increasing number of persistent
> connections?
> -- Mike Myers

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