[nycphp-talk] can't get one field out of mysql

Michael Southwell MSouthwell at
Fri Aug 30 15:09:33 EDT 2002

where?  I've marked <<<< the only two occurrences of note[$i] below in the 
php code, and they are all ok as far as I can see

At 02:48 PM 8/30/2002, you wrote:
>you're missing the $ in note[i] up above
>On Fri, 30 Aug 2002 14:42:09 -0400
>Michael Southwell <southwell at> wrote:
> > There is no doubt a simple explanation here, but I'm still relatively
> > inexperienced and so I'm missing it.  I'm running this off localhost right
> > now so I can't give you a URI.  I'm using MySQL 3.23.51-nt and PHP 4.2.1.
> >
> > I can't retrieve a text field even though I can retrieve all other fields
> > from the record.  But I *can* get it using MySQL Monitor, so I know 
> it's there.
> > ==============
> > Here is the table definition:
> > create table names(
> > nameid int not null,
> > key(nameid),
> > lname varchar(15),
> > fname varchar(25),
> > note text);
> > =============
> > Here is the relevant segment from the retrieval code (with a lot of
> > debugging thrown in):
> > $result=mysql_query($query) or die("Query #1 failed");
> >
> > $numresults=mysql_num_rows($result);
> >
> > $numnames=$numresults;
> >
> >    for ($i=0;$i<$numnames;$i++){
> >      $row_array=mysql_fetch_row($result);
> >
> > // debugging
> > $numfields=mysql_num_fields($result);
> > echo "number of fields is $numfields<br />";
> > for ($j=0;$j<$numfields;$j++) {
> > $field=mysql_field_name($result,$j)." | ";
> > echo $field;}
> > echo "<br />";
> >
> >      $lname[$i]=$row_array[0];
> >      $fname[$i]=$row_array[1];
> >      $note[i]=$row_array[2];                <<<<
> >      $date[$i]=$row_array[3];
> >      $unitid[$i]=$row_array[4];
> >      $address[$i]=$row_array[5];
> >
> > //debugging
> > echo
> > 
> "###$lname[$i]|$fname[$i]|$note[$i]|$date[$i]|$unitid[$i]|$address[$i]###<br 
> />";}   <<<<
> > ====================
> > Here is the output from this:
> > lname | fname | note | dates | unitid | address |
> > ###Southwell|Michael G||Jan 1983 -|106|81 South Road###
> > =================
> > So you can see that the fieldname has been retrieved but the contents of
> > the field haven't.  The contents themselves are simply this (it's test
> > data):  "He is creating the Historical Archives website 
> database."  Anybody
> > have any ideas about what could be wrong here?
> >
> >
> > Michael G. Southwell =================================
> > DNEBA Enterprises
> > 81 South Road
> > Bloomingdale, NJ 07403-1419
> > 973/492-7873 (voice and fax)
> > southwell at
> >
> > ======================================================
> >
> >
> >

Michael G. Southwell =================================
81 South Road
Bloomingdale, NJ 07403-1419
973-838-1022 (voice) 973-492-7873 (fax)
mailto:MSouthwell at

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