[nycphp-talk] [JOB] PT Junior Developer, Manhattan

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri Dec 6 17:02:44 EST 2002

You know ... this REALLY leads to a better discussion on possible PHP 
Certification of some kind (I doubt CompTIA will do a PHP+ any time 
soon), but considering nearly every language has it, it sure would help 
sift through some people for a gig Id think.  

In fact I wish there was something for PHP/MySQL in terms of saying you 
know what you are doing and can back it up ... thoughts?

- Jon

Michael J Lee wrote:

>Can someone tell me who should be contacted about this job listing?  Is in
>depth PHP knowledge required?  I know a guy fresh out of school but not too
>much PHP know how.  Thanks!
>Mike Lee
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Aaron Fischer [mailto:agfische at]
>Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 3:58 PM
>To: NYPHP Talk
>Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] [JOB] PT Junior Developer, Manhattan
>My experience is that that is far below the norm, and I am in a
>significantly smaller (and cheaper) city then Manhattan.
>>>>jonathan at 12/06/02 03:48PM >>>
>Just out of curiosity, is this really the going rate for PHP talent
>days? Seems just a bit low, especially with no benefits and the like.
>>On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, FB` wrote:
>>>Approximately 20 hours a week, Pays $15/h, high likelihood of more
>>>involvement if things work well. Scheduling can be
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