Server switch

Jim Musil jim at
Thu Dec 12 11:44:13 EST 2002


I'm trying to move a group of sites from an internal overburdened server to
a new colocated server.

I'm having a few problems with some PHP commands that don't want to work on
the new environment.

1. The mail() command no longer works. Although I can send mail using
popen() to communicate directly with sendmail.

2. My fsockopen() behaves differently. For certain reasons, I need to
connect to a mail server and an ftp server via a socket. These
communications no longer work. It appears to have something to do with the
line endings.

3. When connecting via FTP (not through PHP), it takes 20-30 seconds to
connect. Once connected everything works great and I can navigate through
directories as quickly as shell. I included this oddity because it seems

The server configuration is similar but not identical. I realize this isn't
enough information to work with, but I'm hoping that maybe someone has dealt
with this situation before. Or maybe someone could just give me some general
areas to inspect.

Here's some info on the servers:

            OLD             NEW
System      SunOS 5.8       Linux 2.4.2-2
PHP         4.1.2           4.2.2


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