[nycphp-talk] Linux Help

Jon Britton jon at
Thu Jul 4 13:25:17 EDT 2002

On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 11:36:37PM -0400, evan heller wrote:
> Ok, I got a good question for you anyone that can
> answer:
> I'd like to setup linux on my new laptop but I
> haven't used linux seriously since the days of
> slackware from about 4 years ago. Which linux
> distribution would be best for a Dell Inspiron in
> the sense of good drivers and power management.

The drivers and PM are a part of the kernel, so all GNU/Linux
distributions are exactly the same in that sense.  They differ mainly
in the philosophy of how things are done, types of software installed as
part of the base distro and to which crowd they'd like to cater.  
Red Hat seems to be the favorite for desktop users, though Debian 
lends itself more to the freedom in Free Software, and easier updating.  
It's all about preference. should give some idea of what will or might-not work.
Take it with a grain of salt, I've gotten some laptops 
unlisted/listed-as-flawed  running beautifully.

> Also, would anyone be willing to volunteer some
> time perhaps at the next meeting or before the
> next meeting to give me a hand?

I think I'm going to be at the next meeting...if I am, I'll get it

> Right now I'm using windows xp home (bleh) so I'd
> like to use dual boot since my games won't run in
> linux.

Bah. AMP is all the game you need ;)

- Jon

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