[nycphp-talk] HTML form preview then INSERT using PHP & MySQL

SolTek soltek at
Sun Jul 7 03:09:08 EDT 2002

Thank Goodness for this list!!!!!!

If it wasn't for me pasting my code into my last email reply to this 
list, I never would have noticed those strange cross "†" looking 
characters in my code next to each echo.  They are invisible to the eye 
when I see my code through my editor (BBEdit for OS X).  But since I saw 
them in the email copy of my code, I turned on the "Show Invisibles" 
feature in BBEdit and there they were!  Only in BBEdit they looked like 
grey colored bullets.  So I got rid if them and then my code worked!!!!  
A whole day waisted because if them darn invisible characters.  I 
figured out how they got there.  From copying and pasting code from a 
forum webpage straight into my text editor.  That's what I get for 
trying to save myself from a little extra typing. LoL

Well, I hope no one ever has to ever go through that ordeal.

Thanks for listening.
- Steve ;-)

On Sunday, July 7, 2002, at 02:44 AM, SolTek wrote:

> Hello,
> I would really like to go with option 1 that Anirudhsinh suggested.
> I tried using hidded fields to a preview.php page but I get a Parse
> error on line 30.
> Here are lines 28 through 33:
> <form method="POST" action="submit.php"" enctype="multipart/form-data">
> <?php
> echo†"<input type=hidden name=\\"Full_Name\\" value=\\"$Full_Name\\">";
> echo†"<input type=hidden name=\\"Email\\" value=\\"$Email\\">";
> echo†"<input type=hidden name=\\"Message\\" value=\\"$Message\\">";
> ?>
> Does anyone have any idea what could be causing the error?
> On Sunday, July 7, 2002, at 02:28 AM, Anirudhsinh Zala wrote:
>> Hi steve..
>> Just found your problem..
>> let's just quickely sort out solution..u have 3 options..
>> 1=> you can use hidden vars which will contain..those form field data
>> which
>> user fills in ..and action of your form would be that preview
>> that
>> u can get..all those vars in preview form..
>> u can print those vars in text forms in preview page..and again..if 
>> user
>> wants to edit those data then action of that preview page could be that
>> filling in form so again u will pass those hidden data in editing
>> mode...
>> Now if in preview form user wants to submit..form then u can chnage
>> action
>> of from by javascipt...when user clicks submit button...i.e. that page
>> which
>> will insert data into tables..
>> This is hiden var method..but not useful when there r lots of field..
>> 2=>
>> Instead..u can use..temporarly table in mysql which can hold those
>> data...and when final submission is made by user then it will be 
>> deleted
>> from database..
>> 3=>
>> also u can create a temp file..which can store all form filed vars in 
>> in
>> text fromat .and can be add edit data..
>> and when final submission is made then that temp file can be deleted
>> safely..
>> hope this can help you
>> Thanks
>> Anirudh... Z.
>>> From: SolTek <soltek at>
>>> Reply-To: talk at
>>> To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
>>> Subject: [nycphp-talk] HTML form preview then INSERT using PHP & MySQL
>>> Date: Sat,  6 Jul 2002 22:34:14 -0400
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>>> Hello everyone!  This is regarding HTML forms, PHP & MySQL.
>>> I'm just learning PHP & MySQL.  I do know HTML though (big deal lol).
>>> My Question:
>>> How do you create an html form that goes to a preview screen and then
>>> allows the user to move back to the form if they made any errors and
>>> corrections are needed or click the send button to submit the form?
>>> The
>>> form's contents are then inserted into a database table.
>>> The actions I want the user to take are as follows:
>>> 1) Fill out form.
>>> 2) Press Preview Button (the only button on that page).
>>> 3) Look over preview of text entered. (this should be on a new page 
>>> and
>>> appear as text, not text in form fields.)
>>> 4a) If user finds mistake in text of Preview, click Edit button (or
>>> link
>>> or Browser back button) to go back to form and make changes. Then user
>>> repeats steps 1 (editing not re-entering data) through 4.
>>> 4b) If user does not find mistakes in text of Preview, clicks submit
>>> button that INSERTS form data into MySQL table.
>>> 5) User gets a new page thats says "thank you. form submitted."
>>> I already know how to INSERT form data into a table and ECHO the data
>>> onto a page after the data was inserted, but I can't figure out how to
>>> add the Preview in the middle before inserting the data.
>>> Many thanks to anyone who can help me with this!
>>> - Steve
>>> Just incase you need to know.. my current setup is:
>>> Solaris 2.7
>>> Apache 1.3.3
>>> MySQL Version 3.23.43
>>> PHP 4.1.0 Apache Module
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