[nycphp-talk] JavaScript List?

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri Jul 19 09:38:02 EDT 2002

Jim Hendricks wrote:

>I find plenty of uses for JavaScript on the Client while still using PHP on
>the server.  Form validations present nicer to the user when done on the
>client, there's not that anoying flash caused by the server round trip, as
>well as the delay on a slow connection.  JavaScript is also useful on the
>client to update info in the client without making a full round trip to the
>server ( ie. hidden frame refresh with javascript to copy the data to where
>it needs to be ).  And then there's features like popup help ( although we
>all know real programmers don't write help... ha ha ha... evil grin here ).
>While I do try to minimize my Javascript on the client due to fear of
>browser incompatibilities, I don't avoid it because it has it's place.
I agree to some extent ... one of the most hidden secret gems I find to 
be is this little library here:

Thus I find Javascript *does* somewhere have a nice purpose besides 
beautiful rollovers :-)

- Jon

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