[nycphp-talk] Mom and Pop CC Security

Brent Baisley brent at
Mon Jul 22 14:44:46 EDT 2002

In any setup, you want to rule out as many variables as you can. This 
ideally means using multiple machines. Your database should not be 
directly exposed to the internet, it should be behind a firewall and the 
firewall should be set to control what computers can access the database 
machine through which ports. That reduces the "variables" considerably 
and is fairly easy to implement.

For instance, my setup looks something like this:
internet <-> firewall <--> web & mail servers <--> firewall <--> LAN

On top of all that, you still have your os, web and database security 
levels in place. It takes a bit of effort to come up with all the 
security policies you want, but once you do, it's easy to maintain.

On Monday, July 22, 2002, at 02:02 PM, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> There are of course many variables,

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