[nycphp-talk] relative newbie needs installation help

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Tue Jun 4 15:09:56 EDT 2002

My first guess is it's a register_globals problem.  register_globals is
turned off by default in 4.2.1.  CGI vs Apache module shouldn't make a
difference in this case (I'm assuming you are only using the basic
variables, such as the post,get,server variables).

As a quick fix, goto your php.ini and find the register_globals
directive, changing it to 'On'.  If this works, let us know; if not,
what specific variables does it report it can't find/are undefined?

Hans Z.

--- Michael Southwell <southwell at> wrote:
> I have some scripts that are working beautifully on the host but are
> not 
> working on my localhost installation (which I thought I had gotten 
> working):  PHP 4.2.1 running under Apache 1.3.24 on Windows XP.  The 
> problem comes in recognizing variables locally, so I get "undefined 
> variable" and "undefined constant" messages.  PHPInfo() tells me that
> my 
> local Server API is CGI, while on the host it's Apache.  I am
> guessing that 
> this is the cause of the problems, though I don't really understand
> the 
> difference.  Can anybody offer an explanation/possible solution? 
> TIA.
> Michael G. Southwell =================================
> DNEBA Enterprises
> 81 South Road
> Bloomingdale, NJ 07403-1425
> 973/492-7873 (voice and fax)
> southwell at
> ======================================================

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