[nycphp-talk] Object Oriented Question

Ian Forsyth ian at
Fri Jun 7 11:26:25 EDT 2002

class game extends db //in teh db class you have a function db that
intialized connection so there is only on file with connection credentials..
	function game($gameid,$type = "single")
	case "0" :
	default :
	function getAllGames($type)
	$q = "select * from games g,reviews r where g.gameid = r.gameid ";
	$q .= " and g.console = '$type'";

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ophir prusak [mailto:prutwo at]
> Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 10:48 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] Object Oriented Question
> Hi All,
> I've decided to clean up the code on my site, and at the same time use
> object oriented code.
> I have a few ideas in my head, but I really wanted to get some input
> from others that have built projects in PHP using OO code.
> Here's the problem I'm currently trying to solve (I've simplified it
> a bit and left out un-necessary details).
> My site is a video game site. Currently, my database has:
> A games table which has basic game information for each game (game_id,
> title, console, etc)
> A reviews table which has game_id (foreign key to games table), review
> date, review text, reviewer name and email.
> If you look at this URL
> you can see a page which shows a list of all the games and the date for
> the most recent review for that game.
> Currently I'm just doing this with a single SQL query (simple join of
> the two tables) and echoing out the results.
> Very fast.
> I'm trying to envision how to create this page using object oriented
> code.
> My initial thought was to somehow use a game object, but if I have to
> instantiate a game object for every game, this seems like it would have
> an enormous amount of overhead and be slow.
> How is this usually done on OO projects ?
> Am I missing something or would you say that if your data sits in
> a relational
> database and your doing a search or mass listing of data then OO code
> is not the way to go.
> comments/suggestions/thoughts/ideas/etc ?
> Thanx
> Ophir
> ----
> Ophir Prusak
> Internet developer
> prutwo at |

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