[nycphp-talk] XMLRPC and Linig for your birdcage

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Fri May 10 19:36:27 EDT 2002

--- David Sklar <sklar at> wrote:
> I guess bloat is relative, but I don't think you're going to notice
> it until
> you start doing a lot of simultaneous transactions.
> As for encryption, if you want to avoid SSL (to not buy
> certificates?) you
> can set up port forwarding with ssh between a port on the client
> machine and
> the port the web server is listening on on the server.

I guess my thinking here will be the ability to provide a drop-in
solution, making implementation as easy as possible for the end-user. 
So, for example, someone has their own site that they want to add user
auth. to.  Ideally, they can subscribe to a free service, download a
PHP library file (or a PHP extension at some point), make a single
tweak to Apache for the site they want to protect, and they have user
auth., tracking, etc.  I guess XMLRPC caught my eye because of it's
directness.  Maybe an application implemented encryption scheme would
be easiest at first.

Hans Z.

> -dave
> > From: Hans Zaunere [mailto:zaunere at]
> >
> > I've considered SOAP as well, and although I'm not set in my ways
> yet,
> > XMLRPC seems a little less bloated.  However, that bloat may be
> worth
> > it depending on the XMLRPC implementation.  Also something I need
> to
> > consider will be encryption (ssh through either one of these is
> > probably a wet dream, no? - I would like to avoid SSL)
> >

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