Delimeter for Content-Type: text/data downloads

Lynn, Michael (DCS) MLynn at
Tue May 14 10:09:52 EDT 2002

Greetings Fellow LAMP'ers.

I have a student enrollment application I am writing for my employer and I would like to offer the administrator of the system the ability to download a comma seperated dump of the student file for
import into excel.

I'm using the header("Content-type: text/data") and it works, prompting the user to save/open the file - however, it appears that the newline character that I am using to delimit the rows is causing
MS Excel to think that the file is something odd.

The question: I'm use "/n" to break a row - is there another way of printing a cr/lf?  I've tried &crlf and it comes out as a literal "&crlf" in the data file.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.


Michael Lynn
Platform Architect, Vice President
Merrill Lynch

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