[nycphp-talk] Formatting dates

Jeremy Hise jhise at
Wed May 15 08:32:25 EDT 2002


I'm not gonna go into details here, but just about all PHP date
functions use the unix timestamp..which may seem a little odd if you are
coming from M$. However, this turns out to be great because it actually
eleminates the problem of going into the next month.

For instance, to print the date, you say something like:

print (date("M Y"));

This will give you "May 2002";

Now, you can use a function called mktime() like this:

$new_timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 15, 2002);

Now if you say,

print (date("M d Y", $new_timestamp));

You will get:

"May 15 2002".

The "next month" problem is solved because if you say,

$new_timestamp = mktime(0,0,0,5,32,2002);

You will get

June 1 2002

Cool huh?

Good luck!


NOTE: Some syntax may be off a bit, but use as your reference.
You can type in and it will redirect you to
the function definition for mktime(), etc.

On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 23:40, jose sanchez wrote:
> Hello:
> I would like to know how I can use dates in PHP.
> This is what I would like to accomplish:
> First I would like to assign a starting date, for
> example:
> 5/11/02.
> I would like to add seven days to it so it will be
> Sat. May 18th and one day so it can be Sun. May 19th.
> I would like to do this for every week. At the same
> time, assign a week number according to the date. For
> example; May 11th and 12th would be week #1. Now, May
> 18th and 19th would be week #2 and so on...
> I know it will be a problem when the month changes. In
> other words what I like to create is a schedule thats
> in a database and loaded according to the week_no.
> Any idea on how I can accomplish this.
> Your help would be very apreciated.
> Thank you.
> =====
> "An ounce of gold cannot buy an ounce of time."
> - Anonymous
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