[nycphp-talk] Help!! - Fixed

jose sanchez j_r_sanchez at
Thu May 30 10:41:14 EDT 2002

I fixed my problem. The while loop I had before was
messing things up. Here's the fixed problem:

$text_path ='NULL';
$text = array( 0,0,0,0,0 );
$text_ads_count = 5
$current = 1;

This function will be called 4 or five times per page
like this:
	get_text_ad( $current++ );
	include( $text_path );

function get_random_number( $m, $l )

	srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
	return rand( $m, $l );		

function get_text_ad( $cur ){
// declare global variables that will be used in the
		global $text;
		// declare local variable
		$useit = 'no';
		// set the current table to be used
		$table_name = 'ads_text';
		$update_field = 'presence';
		// if is the first ad displayed on the page; go
ahead and use it
		if( $cur == 1 )
		{   // set the id from a random generated number
			$id = get_random_number( 1,
$GLOBALS['text_ads_count'] );
			// Based on this number select the record from the
			$sql = "select path from $table_name where
			$result = runQuery( $sql, "-- Select from
$table_name --"  );
			// set the path to the loaded path
			list( $GLOBALS['text_path'] ) = mysql_fetch_array(
$result );
			// set the current posistion in the array with the
selected id
			$text[$cur] = $id; 
			update_table( $table_name, $id, $update_field );			
		}// end if first occurrance
			while( $useit == 'no' ){
				$useit = checkit( $id = rand( 1,
$GLOBALS['text_ads_count'] ),
$GLOBALS['text_ads_count'] );
				if( $useit == 'yes' ){
					// Based on this number select the record from
the db
					$sql = "select path from $table_name where
					$result = runQuery( $sql, "-- Select from
$table_name --" );
					// set the path to the loaded path
					list( $GLOBALS['text_path'] ) =
mysql_fetch_array( $result );
					// set the current posistion in the array with
the selected id
					$text[$cur] = $id;	
					update_table( $table_name, $id, $update_field );
				}// end if useit or not
					continue; // continue looping
			}// end while loop
		}//end else
	}// end function get_text********************

	function checkit( $randomnumber, $count ){
		// set local variables with global variables' data
		$t = $GLOBALS['text'];
		for( $i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++ )
			if( $t[$i] == $randomnumber )
				return 'no'; // don't use the number/id
		}// end for loop
		return 'yes';	 // use the number/id
	}//end function checkit**********

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