[nycphp-talk] MySQL question

tom at tom at
Fri Nov 15 13:23:04 EST 2002

I'm using the LOAD DATA query to load a file into a table, which is working
OK.  I would like to know if anyone has figured out a way to receive
statistics about this query, mainly how many and which rows where skipped.
According to this page:

there doesn't seem to be a way to do this easily.  I guess I can count the
number of records in my file, and compare against the database to obtain the
number of records skipped, and I could probably do a SELECT OUTFILE and
compare that file with my original file to see which records were not
loaded, but this seems like alot of work for what I'm asking for.

Does anyone have any tips on how to do this without going through what I
mentioned above?

I know this is a MySQL question, but I'm using it with PHP, so I feel
posting it here is justified.



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