[nycphp-talk] Bad Bug! PHP Fatal error: Unable to start session mm module in Unknown on line 0

Brian brian at
Mon Nov 18 22:31:39 EST 2002

On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 22:05, Edward Potter wrote:
> Out of the blue I'm getting this using php on the command line:
> php
> PHP Fatal error:  Unable to start session mm module in Unknown on line 0
> doing a google turned up that an mm.rpm file may be out of date, it was 
> not, error is still with me. Can't shutdown server because the startup 
> will die  on:
> PHP Fatal error:  Unable to start session mm module in Unknown on line 0
> It's a Catch 22 !
> thanks for any help!  - ed
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I've never seen that but would try to kill the process if it is still
running (it shouldn't be but it helps to check) and then edit the
php.ini file to remove the reference to mm module.


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