[nycphp-talk] New project

Jonathan Rury ruryj at
Thu Nov 21 23:07:07 EST 2002

> Similar? I'd say so! :)  Out of curiosity, what features don't you find in
> PHP that is cause for another language?  Or is this just a project for
Fearful of backlash on a PHP mailing list, I couldn't possibly note any
limitations I'm finding with PHP. ;-)
But honestly, this is just a little project I'm thinking about for my own
personal amusement. PHP will always be near and dear to my heart.

> Yes and no.  PHP's strength often comes as a module of Apache, which is
> different than a CGI.

Yes, I'm looking to create a module.

> I think you probably want to know about writing an Apache module.  There
> an O'Reilly book on the subject, although probably dated; certainly since
> Apache 2.  The book, however, gives a good overview of the Apache request
> stages, etc and architecture.  There's also apache_hooks, which is a PHP
> SAPI, although looking at the code would give an excellent idea on
> interacting with Apache at a lower level.

Just ordered the O'Reilly book today! I found it on for $3.10
through one of their third-party sellers! As for the book being dated, we'll
have to see. Since this isn't a project that's about creating something for
enterprise use, I won't mind using an Apache < 2.0. [I'm still using 1.3 as
my webserver anyway.]

> And of course, probably the best source:
> and as an overview of how A2 does

Thanks for the links. I've got a bit of reading to do before I start
considering how I'm going to do all of this. Thanks for the help and


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