bsd apache php mysql help

Shawn Lawyer shawn at
Mon Nov 18 10:08:12 EST 2002

i've been a php developer for years and at several points i've had access to dedicated servers with sys admins that were friends of mine, now that's not the case since i just moved to the new york area. okay here it goes. i got tired of having to build scripts to perform tasks on site that could be handled much much better if my hosting co. would just would just make a few minor changes to php.ini. example sessions in a database and not a file in the tmp dir . to work around this i had to spend hours creating a session script myself not even touching php sessions. so finally i broke down and got a dedicated server. now i just realized why i left this up to people basck home. please help. i have no idea where to begin. i need to add users, create virtual hot accounts, install ming and other php extensions, install mysql, config ftp, etc...
i'm freaking out here, cause i'm trying to follow a book i got, but it jumps around to much to be clear. oh, php, apache, ftp, sendmail, it's all there and installed on freebsed 4.7
thank you,
shawn lawyer
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