[nycphp-talk] install php 4.2.2 with mysql & apache

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Wed Oct 9 13:55:59 EDT 2002

Hey P:

On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 11:35:40AM -0400, P. Fawcett wrote:
> 1)  if i have php, mysql & perl installed on the sys, do i have to
> include them in the other configs. ie configuring php --with-mysql?

Yes.  That gives PHP the ability to talk to MySQL.  It makes PHP be 
compiled with the MySQL functions.

> configuring apache --with-perl

This enables the apache/perl module.  It speeds things up.  Either way,
you can still call Perl scripts as standalone CGIs.

> am i right mod's, ie mod_php is just a lighter version of php
> & not necessary if i have php 4.2.2 installed?

Similarly, mod_php installs the apache/perl module, which speeds up 
execution.  If you install PHP separately, you can then also execute PHP 
scripts in CGI mode.

In both cases, CGI mode would have the script execute as the owner of the 
script while the module versions execute as the Apache process.

> but mysql would fail after config on: mysqladmin -u root -password
> "new-passwd" 
> err: mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost'failed error: 'can't
> connect to local mysql server thru socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'(2).  check
> that mysqld is running & that socket exists.  well it wasn't & it didn't

I run MySQL on Windows NT, so am not completely familliar with installing 
it on linux, but I believe you need to install MySQL as normal.  Then 
start the daemon by issuing a "mysqld" command. 

> so i reconfig mysql with simplier 3.23.52 rpm, which would run thru the
> config ok, create the socket, start the daemon, but would populates
> files all over the sys and not create /usr/local/mysql dir, so without
> php config --with-mysql (no path) php would fail syntax in the
> hpptd.conf:  
> LoadModule php4_module libexec/ - "cannot load
> /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into".

Find where the files are created and set your my.conf and/or other
configuration files/commands appropriately.


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