[nycphp-talk] install php 4.2.2 with mysql & apache

P. Fawcett fawcett at
Thu Oct 10 12:43:50 EDT 2002

tx. i know the resulting dif between bin/src/rpm (but didn't know
.deb/.tgz.  interesting on freebsd & gentoo)

but in downloading i can't tell from zipped tar file names  which is
binary & which is source as they seem to be same format ie. php or
mysql-ver-os.tar.gz.  unless maybe directory structure specific, but i
didn't catch then when looking at mirrors

Oktay Altunergil wrote:
> When there's confusion, there should be some explanation.
> binary : as in precompiled on a different box and ready to run on another
> source : you do './configure && ./make && ./make install' yourself. Compiled on your box.
> rpm    : a package format to make managing software easier. rpm's are esentially *binary* files that adhere to a specification. (i.e specs describe where the files go, what scripts are run during the install etc) Other examples of binary package management systems are Debian's .deb, Slackware's .tgz  etc.
> There's yet another system where there's a package management system in place but the software is built from source on your own computer. (FreeBSD ports and Gentoo portage are examples of this)
> Oktay
> On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 12:08:18 -0400
> "P. Fawcett" <fawcett at> wrote:
>  [ header snip ]
> >
> > well i've certainly hit the admin confusion here, & prbly mismatches
> >
> > since i've got apache & php installed via binary (or source - still
> > confused on that) but mysql is rpm'd,
>  [ snip ]
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