[nycphp-talk] Building trees

Jim Hendricks(Biz Computing) jim at
Wed Oct 16 19:52:11 EDT 2002

>>I don't know about the class thing since it adds a level of complexity 
>>to the code that I don't know
>>if it's waranted.  
>I would argue that this will actually make the majority of your code
>simpler, because you're encapsulating the complexity. :)
>I'm the first to admit that classes aren't appropriate for everything,
>but they're the right approach for this kind of stuff.

Yeah, your right.  Sometimes though encapsulation can be a bad thing 
though when it hides too much and you have to pull your hair out later 
trying to figure out what the heck you did.  There's still too much 
procedural coding in my blood that avoids OOP unless I have to ( as is 
the case with Java ).  In the case of Java and C++, I preceive that the 
performance of the VM/runtime would be better if you were to drop the 
OOP and just go with good old procedural code.  Granted procedural code 
can be messy, but an experienced coder should be able to write modular 
proc code to rival OOP.  Just my own old fart ( 19 years in the business 
I guess qualifies for old fartism in the IT world even though I'm only 
37 ) biased opinion probably not worth admitting!

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