[nycphp-talk] HELP!!!

ian forsyth ian at
Mon Sep 9 10:01:10 EDT 2002

you could add an .htaccess file in the web dir with the line php_value 
include_path /users/ppowell/web
or in the require() put.. require("./menubar_functions.php");


Phil Powell wrote:

>This will not post onto the PHP board for some reason!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Phil Powell
>To: talk at
>Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 2:35 AM
>Subject: Help! Live Function Cannot Be Accessed!!!!
>This is live and I can't figure out what is going on with it, suddenly, it
>stopped working!!!!
>Warning: Unable to access ./menubar_functions.php in
>/users/ppowell/web/repository.php on line 88
>Fatal error: Failed opening required 'menubar_functions.php'
>(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /users/ppowell/web/repository.php
>on line 88
>Here is the code in repository.php:
>  require("menubar_functions.php");
>here is menubar_functions.php:
> // This function is the PHP version of the TCL proc PRODUCE_MENUBAR which
> // will produce the menubar for all PHP files
> //
> // Syntax: echo PRODUCE_MENUBAR()
> //
> function PRODUCE_MENUBAR() {
>  global $HTTP_HOST;
>  $tcl = (preg_match("/\\bdyndns\\b/i", $HTTP_HOST)) ? "tclsh83" : "tclsh";
>  $path = (preg_match("/\\bdyndns\\b/i", $HTTP_HOST)) ? "cgi-bin" :
>  $fileID = fopen("http://$HTTP_HOST/$path/menubar.cgi", "r");
>  $menubar = fread($fileID, 1000000);
>  fclose($fileID);
>  return $menubar;
> }
>Does anyone have any insight? I'm completely out of ideas
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Hans Zaunere" <zaunere at>
>To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
>Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 1:20 PM
>Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] PHP 4.2.3 Out and Mirrored Locally
>>It's only a minor release, but remember that 4.2.2 was strictly a
>>security release.  So essentially, 4.2.3 is the fixes from 4.2.1.
>>Lays everything out:
>>--- Michael <mogmios at> wrote:
>>>Anything special in this release?
>>>>Hello all,
>>>>It looks like PHP-4.2.3 was just released.  To help in
>>>>the main downloads are available from
>>>>Feel free to pass this URL on to as many as you'd like.  As new
>>>>releases are made, they should always be available here as well.
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