[nycphp-talk] Apache configuration question

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Tue Sep 10 00:21:38 EDT 2002

Hey Mike:

On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 11:48:21PM -0400, Mike Myers wrote:
> Within our intranet, my department uses a WinNT sharevolume to store shared
> documents, mostly PDFs and MS Office files.
... snip ...
> Here's the rub: the files in the mounted directory are owned by my OSX user
> account, not the "www" or "nobody" account usually applied to the Apache
> instance.

Give the files/directories/shares you want to share read permissions for
the "nobody" account.  No big deal security wise.  You want them to be
public.  So, if some unforseen circumstance arises, the exposure is the
same as if they wound up there with a web browser.

I wouldn't change the ownership of the files/directories etc.  Keep them
owned by you.  Making them owned by "nobody" would create a far greater
potential for exploitation.


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