[nycphp-talk] <a href> vs. <form> request

Jerry Kapron nyphp at
Wed Apr 16 20:12:32 EDT 2003


>You can't really do that. When someone clicks a link, their browser sends
>HTTP GET request. If someone wanted to write their own form that used a
>of "get" and submitted to the same URL, they could reproduce this exact
>request. Of course, they could also just manually send their own GET
>though that is less convenient.

I'm aware of all this.

>I'm not sure what sort of security you think is lessened by this fact.

I know this does not make much sense when you don't know what the project
is.  Unfortunately I can not reveal any details at this point. This is a
client's project.  The significant fact is that for a specific reason the
users will want to link to the some scripts by submitting a form instead of
clicking on an <a href> link.  I know there is no difference on the back end
whether the request came from a form or a <a href> link, but it's not really
about the back end. The request needs to come from an <a href> link, period.
I know it sounds weird but trust me there is a very good reason for that.

>If you are wanting to make sure people can only access a particular page,
it is best
>to use sessions or something and just make sure that person has access.
>If you are particularly concerned that the user clicked your specific link,
>can use something like a shared secret. For example, when you generate the
>link, attach a URL variable to it that you also keep on the server (in the
>session or something). You can then check to ensure that this URL variable
>correct when determining whether the user can access the page.

None of these would apply. I forgot to mention that the links will be placed
on third party sites (or rather extranet sites) by other webmasters. In
addition to checking the referer header against a database containing
qualified referer URL's, I also need to make sure that they are not linking
from a form. Again, sounds weird but you need to trust me.

>Maybe that gives you some ideas. I recommend, however, that you don't
>yourself with what happens on the client. This can lead to a false sense of
>security. It is best to consider each HTTP request as a request that can
>be anything. Use your own programming logic to determine the rest.

This usually applies to all my other projects but this one is really

Thank you much for your help .. cheers!


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