[nycphp-talk] Solution Sought

David Rodriguez drodriguez1 at
Fri Apr 18 14:35:57 EDT 2003

What method have you got to get files to that web server now?


On Friday, Apr 18, 2003, at 14:23 America/New_York, jessica kelly wrote:

> I need to set up a "Construction Web Cam" (photo, not streaming) where 
> I work. The main server is outside the firewall but the computer that 
> the camera will be attached to is inside the firewall and you can not 
> FTP through it nor will the network admin. turn on the FTP ability. I 
> am doubtful that he can map a drive or folder to the main web server 
> (apache on a win 2k advanced server). He states that I must use HTTP 
> protocol but apache is not configured with web DAV and I wouldn't know 
> how to recompile if I needed/had to.
> Does anyone know of something(s) that would/could work?
> I also need the ability to have some program (PHP?) to automatically 
> take the resulting pictures and generate a page with either thumbnails 
> or links to the photos generated.
> I'm looking for a free or next to free solution that will work on a 
> windows platform.
> Thank You,
> Jessica
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