[nycphp-talk] survey's

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Tue Apr 22 02:15:44 EDT 2003

Well, if it's everyone on a mailing list, then each person should have
their own email address, so they should be able to enter their email
address as part of the survey (or as a pre-login) and you could track it
like so.  Possible?


-----Original Message-----
From: Epistemo *IQ* [mailto:epistemo101 at] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 1:55 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] survey's

Hey guys and girls,

Got a simple yet complicated question. here
I have to launch 4 surveys, which any user on a mailing list can access
only once per survey. survey1 - survey2 - survey3 - survey4 The amount
of time these surveys will be online is two months. So if the user has
filled out survey1 he can only go to 2,3 or 4 ... etc. The mailing will
direct the user to one of the 4, per mailing list.

Now the surveys are done ... wrote the code ... did the Oracle thingy,
But what would be the best way to make sure that the users will only
enter one of each survey's? I know the cookie issue is not 100% so I was
looking into alternatives, but if it is gonna  be cookies ... well ...
so be it . These surveys are going to get hit hard since the mailing
lists contain around 3 
million users per survey/mailing. And these surveys are not cached so I
can't put to much stress on the boxes.

If anyone has any ideas ... or has done this in the past and was fairly
successful. Let me know. And ... if anyone has any code snippets that
can do the job, please let me know ... or maybe post it, since it is one
of those rush jobs (what's new), that marketing wants in day. 

Arno ....
(From a different email since I'm off-site)

Thx in advanced.



We really need a seconday NYPHP location in the CT region, since I can
never make any of the meetings 
due to travel time ... and I bet I'm not the only one. I'll swing by
later this week or so...

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