[nycphp-talk] Windows Command Line

Chris Snyder chris at
Fri Apr 25 17:17:44 EDT 2003

Chris Shiflett wrote:

>--- "Sexton, David" <dsexton at> wrote:
>>I'm having trouble running a script from the command line on WINNT4.0
>>- The script runs fine via HTTP requests, but when I try to execute
>>the same script via the command line, a MSSQL connection fails.
>When you run from the command line, there are a few things that might be
>1. Different user. I know very little about Windows, but I think it might only
>have the root user, so this might not be an issue for you.
>2. Different environment. Even if you're executing the script as the same user,
>your environment may be different. For example, many databases (Oracle, for
>example) have environment variables that indicate where the client libraries
3. Different executable, without mssql support?

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