[nycphp-talk] MIME multipart email frustrations

Stephen Musgrave stephen at
Fri Aug 29 14:00:54 EDT 2003

I've looked through the list archives, and didn't see a close enough issue
to what I'm experiencing.

So, I've got this PHP function that sends a multipart email.  For a long
while I was having problems sending it to AOL (of course) and found that
using "\r\n" in the 4th argument caused it to choke and now I only use "\r".
But now one of my testers is reporting that her Outlook Express is showing
all the header and html code.. while my Outlook Express is seeing it just
fine.  I've had another OE user look at it and it looks good there, too.  It
also looks fine on Entourage (Mac), Netscape 7.1 (XP) (but not 7.0).

I feel like I'm just hacking.  Is there some help out there?

Here's a link to the resulting email file:


Stephen Musgrave

//  stephen at
//  718-486-6514

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