[nycphp-talk] security? we don't need no stinkin security!

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Fri Dec 5 12:51:43 EST 2003

John Lacey wrote:

> Chris, can you elaborate on the Smarty performance a tad?
At the September meeting we ran Smarty through the Zend IDE's profiler, 
and compared the results with PHPLib. The results were striking -- it's 
not the most efficient approach. Daniel Kushner might have saved the 
actual numbers somewhere.

It's a totally subjective measurement, of course. As David points out, 
efficiency becomes less of a concern with each hardware upgrade. And for 
a server that gets up to a few thousand hits an hour, no worries. 
There's part of me that says a request can take up to a second before I 
really care, but there's no way you can get away with that on a large 
site, or a big shared server.

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