[nycphp-talk] P3P and MSIE6 cookies

Chris Snyder chris at
Tue Feb 4 15:56:10 EST 2003

Chris Shiflett wrote:

>>Has anyone else created P3Ps for their sites?
>Not yet, actually, but I researched the topic in detail for
>a book I wrote by using sites like and
> as examples, since they are both
Thanks for the additional info, Chris-- I think I'm well on my way to 
creating the appropriate files and getting them uploaded and tested. 
I'll be happy to share the results with the list.

On a completely personal, subjective level, this seems like quite a hoop 
for non-commercial sites to have to jump through. Do you think it would 
be possible for me, as a small ISP, to create a blanket P3P xml file and 
a compact policy header that would satisfy IE6, and then use Apache 
directives to serve those for all my virtual hosts?

In other words, is there anything inside the policy files that ties the 
policy to a particular site? A quick look says no, but that's a real 
quick look...



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